Friday, January 30, 2009

This is crazy



Is there a difference?

I really enjoy the movie A Beautiful Mind (as well as italics and parentheses). I also recently watched Revolutionary Road, which I enjoyed, but will probably never watch again.

Both movies delve into the ideas of of being unique and using your mind and being a genius or being revolutionary. Or maybe they delve into being stupid and wasting your life and being insane or being psychotic.

They do so in defferent ways--and it's great.

We are told our whole lives to be ourselves. We are told when we are young to color inside the lines.

Maybe the two should be combined, because that is what people really mean.

Be yourself, but make sure you stay inside the lines.

Being yourself is not culturally accepted. A lot of poets and writers talk about this, and I always enjoy reading more views on the situation.

If we are trained to think, act, and look like everyone else, how can anything new ever be made?

How can we come up with our own ideas? This blog is basically ideas that have come from many different original thoughts exist inside the lines?

Why do we penalize children for coloring outside of the lines when we should be encouraging their artisticness? (I do understand that we want to teach them to follow directions, but we should not hold back a child from being the greatest artist ever. I also understand that artistness may not be a word, but as a communications major I would rather communicate meaning to you than be proper.)

I am average intellectually and artistically, but I hope no one tells someone who is capable of curing cancer that they are running tests the wrong way because it is different.

I have friends gifted in music, writing, photography, speaking, and overall mental ability. I pray that no one ever holds them back.

We should allow them to actually reach their potential rather than our expectations.

But to a lot of people this is all crazy.

"Maybe I'm brainless, maybe I'm wise."

Saturday, January 10, 2009

He loves us

.He is coming
.He is going to do something
.We are waiting to be sure
.We are guarding our hearts by not talking to them
.It is not conveiniant


He is here.
He is doing things.
We are acting in faith.
We are loving unconditionally--no matter what.
It is the reason we exist.


Oh how He loves us

Psalm 31:16